, katy tang. thank you for taking the time to consider these few pieces of legislation. we had these two pieces of legislation go before the human rights commission as well as the legislative subcommittee of the small business commission so we think the subcommittee gave unanimous support on this and hopefully most of the questions were answered there. back in february, we had legislation sponsored by supervisor chu also that touched upon chapter 6, chapter 14b and chapter 21, the admin code. basically, the package of legislation was to help streamline our city's contracting processes and increase business opportunities for our local sa businesses. the legislation before you today really builds upon that work with the following amendments. so we'll start first with chapter 14b and walk you through it really quickly. one of the things that it would do is increase the threshold for general services contracts, so, for instance, janitorial, security guard, pest control, and it would increase the thres