that kiev post deputy editor katya gorchinskaya isn't sure it's equipped to win, coming into office just four days before russia invaded. >> that in itself is a huge challenge even for a team if the team was well fitted, well suited, well coordinated, but it's not. it's a very, very motley crew of people of different, you know, political backgrounds. they just got together right before as a result of the revolution. to be a good revolutionary is not the same as being a good bureaucrat. >> warner: among that motley coalition now holding key ministries, one faction that's caused alarm in russian- dominated eastern ukraine and beyond: the right wing nationalist svoboda party. it's parliamentary leader oleh tyagnibok was once quoted boasting that ukrainians fought bravely in world war ii "against moscovites, germans, jews and other scum." do you disavow that now? >> ( translated ): that's what i said, but my words now, 10 year old words, are being twisted by those who profit it from it. this is also russian propaganda. we are neither fascists, nor nazis. >> warner: what's svoboda's agenda? >