they don't really work necessarily, katya. i want to bring you in because you actually bring a very important aspect to this conversation in the work that you do with it or a foundation. can you 1st break it down for us? what does the foundation do and how does it relates to this new trend, asking people to maximize the utility on their purchase is you know, ok before i can really dive into the work we do have to or i feel like i have to explain the phenomenon that is wasted colonialism and i do want to stress that i don't use the word colonialism lately. i feel like we've gotten to a point where we're almost desensitized to it, so i don't want to use that lightly. so i would like to give a little historical context. sure, please choose about it is, as the fashion industry moves towards this past fashion model, there's go, they're going, there's going to be more ways they're creating this culture where are trees in clothes which aren't meant to be consumable, as consumables. and so once you are done with the clothes, they have