katzenberg, the democratic thn extensives a history with china, perhaps most infamously when katzenberg was at dreamworks in 2012, the company announced a multi billion dollar deal withith the chinese government to build a production studio inai shanghai. and soon after that, an t agreemenhat is reachede th to increase the number of us films that could be release in the chinese market everyy ye year. just before the big ceremony in l.a. to ink that deal with katzenberg, then vice president xi jinping gotvice p a rousinresidentg welcome to the united states by none other than president obama. >> i want to welcome vice president xi to the oval office and welcome him to the united states. al office anthis is obviously at opportunity for us to build on the u.s. china relationship. >> now we're sleepwalking into a geopolitical calamity everyo year we go further into debt to defend countries in europe who despise us in who are openly working with the ccp. and every year we outsource jobs and technology to china and give president xi the money he needs to build a stronger military, one certain