representation to credibly accused students had to have attorneys representing them, and all campus kaunda cases which is certainly not the typical way that these tend to work. so you also had, new york is a good example of a state that had very, very detailed legal framework for how the, all of the proceedings and investigations should work. and so you have very specific training for adjudicators, all kinds of specifics. new york and virginia are states that now under their laws require that transcripts, educational transcripts include any penalties of suspension or expulsion for individuals who been found responsible for sexual assault. so you can see that the states have come in as well as, in the federal arena and that there has been considerable activity in response to this. so the difference here i think, and i think one of the themes you are going to hear today, that when you're talking about incidents that happen on campus, you know, and incidents of sexual misconduct that can both be heard in a campus arena or a criminal justice arena, i think it's important to kind of pick up on