texas congress woman kay graininger has been awhol for months.ffice claims health challenges have made travel to washington "difficult." that was the only explanation. her son telling local outlets she is dealing with dementia issues and has had a rapid decline moving into the retirement facility. why are we just learning about this now. 81 years old. she voted as recently as july, kennedy. she wasn't in washington. dementia doesn't happen over night. her family says she has did he clyde since september. she votepugh in july. >> why is she still holding the office. what does it take to remove someone. the people in her district deserve to be represented in congress. she clearly condition do it if her son has admitted she has dementia issues. she shouldn't be serving. step aside. what's the removal process. the 25th amendment for the president. >> you have to vote on it in the house. if the case was made. i'm sure everyone would vote for it the problem is she was well enough to show up at kwon tkcongressfor the unveiling of r portrait. as nicole a