kay henderson, can't wait to see you when we get out to iowa. won't be very long now.ll just get this impeachment trial out of the way and we'll get there. thank you very much. let me get the panel in here. eugene, you know, every four years people try to say, maybe iowa won't matter much this time. and yet, here we are again. iowa's still going. the person that wins this first, whether it is biden, he shuts people down, or buttigieg, he shoots into the top tier, iowa will matter again. >> absolutely. and for a few reasons. midwestern voters matter, they always have. but they really matter when you have candidates competing for the white house whose brand is in part, i'm a midwesterner and that's what america needs right now, someone who is, you know, mild mannered and even tempered, who is a unifier and who can pay attention to people who aren't like them. give them the attention that they need and let them know that they actually do have solutions for their concerns. but i think one thing that's interesting about iowa, there's been some conversation about maybe not i