the first ten days, frankly, were quite kay kaye ottawaic. there was lack of clarity on the japanese side, who was in charge, lack of information. we had trouble coordinating. but after we got through that task force set up in tokyo, the coordination began to work very effectively, and that coordination continues to this day. so in those three areas i think we did a pretty good job. quickly, lessons learned. first and most heartening was the tremendous amount of good will in both countries toward the other. the outpouring of american support here mo, more than $200 million raised by americans, the number of former jets that reached out to their former communities to help, the number of alumni of u.s. forces in japan, the families that served there over the years, just the strength of human bonds between the u.s. and japan that had been under the surface really came to the surface and was terribly heartening. a similar feeling on the japanese side. the warm response on the japanese side to the efforts made by the americans. now more than 80% o