my colleague kayden o'neill, discuss developments with our correspondent shapers. is this a big news at the top diplomat, the forward facing image of ukraine, given the context of where your train is? ukraine has been energetically, uh, you know, canvassing, it's partner countries for more cash, more weapons. and the person at the very center that's for the whole conflict. this one has been in his post throughout this phase of the conflict in ukraine is dimitra qu labor. now, now that he's gone, a vacuum appears at the head of government, if you like. no, he is a career diploma. he has been up this stuff a long time and he's the only child of an older diplomat. so this is a man with a significant diplomatic experience. and you have to ask yourself, where doors this and because the, the names keep coming on the, the heads keep rolling. let me know through a couple of other alexander com, she administrator, strategic industries at resigned at dentist, somebody who's gotten the minister of justice. similar to posting any good, resigned russians, the response to that,