touch other people. i grew you, i was a toucher. >> kayla is moving. are touchers, there are those that create the proper distance. i think the handshake is a good thing. it shows we are animals after all. >> there are new studies that say the longest, furthest handshakes were the germiest. >> it's interesting, i think something is said to be about our society in this very question. nowadays, if i gave you too firm a hand shaky, you might take -- >> do you still do business by handshake? >> many medeival times you shook hands to make sure your friend didn't have a weapon. we should keep that in place. eb else should shake hands, i mean it's silly. >> water silly? the handshake is silly? in there no, the handshake is silly. the fist bump is. >> that's like such a bad fist pump. it's very uncomfortable. i don't know what that is. >> it's a horrible state of affairs. look, it's summer, i hope this thing kind of fades off into the sun set and we keep shaking hands. >> we should go euro, maybe do the three-sided. >> three-sided kits? >> it's good to be on t