fo so especially for this occasion, for the celebration of kaypi peru they have brought in executivesoloranzo.o. what is so unique? >> it has -- [ indiscernible ] this mixed together with a lota of -- came to peru and we have 500 years of experience. >> reporter: this looks sote lovely. what is it? >> most of the people know -- here we have very beautiful and delicious dish. it means life. and this is made from the yellow potatoes. >> i'm going to give that a little bit of a taste.ta it doesn't look like any kind of potato i've tasted before, but i do like potatoes. that is amazing. and tell me what else we'll have. >> just we have -- this is made from soup potatoes, cracker, here we have like a food made from, the corn. >> quickly, two minutes left. so tell me, quickly what you've got here. okay, here we have a mixture of onion and chinese style what is very, very popular, not in the last ten years, 200 years in peru, so that's why we use a lot of this. mix the beef. >> i have to run over. all of these dishes are available at the mitsitam cafe. this is a good thing. >> we will have