so i have borrowed this model from kazel and it's the clghtive for social emotional learning and headquartered in chicago and this is their model that i find interesting and look at the different domains and the areas that comprise social emotional learning, and you will see that couple of them, self awareness and self management are things about yourself. this is knowledge about yourself. this is when we teach children we teach children to recognize their emotions, recognize what things trigger strong emotions and give a name to different emotions and one important thing if you work with children or even with adults strong emotions can be very confusing for people, so people have the intense emotions and for kids not literate to name their emotions it comes out angry, right and what might that be? it could be frustration. it could be embarrassment. it could be any number of different really strong emotions, and if they don't know how to put words to that, they don't know how to begin to solve the problems or ask for help and this is at the very fundamental level which we teach very, very youn