rajabi had secretly traveled to france several times before this, and through his older brother, kazem rajabi, who told the stories. he has a chapter and was a colleague of savak. during the shah's time, he prepared the preparations for the iraqis to join and start the war, and later, when the conditions were tight, he could transfer the nickname to musa nasir uloom to musa khayani nefer. second, the mujahideen organization in the absence of rajavi, the leadership of the mujahideen in iran ashraf rabiei took over in july 1358 to reduce the sensitivities of the organization's forces towards sexual relations with women of the mujahideen organization . the military took charge of the organization , the official of rajabi came and married a man who was in good health, that is, on the 5th of bahman 57, four months, 10% . for example, ashraf rabiei, who was actually injured, for example in fact, i believe that shama's age, or being the same age as masoud rajavi , was not very young, and they were the same age, and it actually belonged to the time of the shah in a widow. for you, but first, you are