. ♪ narrator: they call it, kazi --, kazi. specialize in one-way trips. their destination?nder which ship planes, bombs, burning gasoline, and pilots can fly. japan's secret weapon was no secret to our gunners and flyers who had been tenting the pacific with red sashes. 16-year-old still in aviation schools were given their planes, a sash, and omission. .- a mission isolate our troops on okinawa. it was desperation. it was suicide. but it would be the pattern from now on. our struggle between men who want to die and men who fight to live. announcer: watch the full program this sunday at 4 p.m. eastern, 1 p.m. pacific here on american history tv. announcer: next on the civil war, historian gary gallagher addresses the misconceptions americans have about the civil war and outlets for concepts that are crucial in understanding the conflict. this talk was part of a symposium held at the library of virginia in richmond. speaker is well known to you. gary gallagher is the professor and history of the american civil war emeritus at the university of virginia and founding director