explore unknowns, this was the result of the great strata of mayomastsya, from the book of kazimir semyanovichare more than once. the semyanovich family, people and old people, but not rich. there was no extra trouble. the best career for a small nobleman is service to the army. kazimir geta understands. ale pakul yagonnyh one year learned to swing and gallop on a canoe, day and night sitting over thick books, reading everything that was caught by the hand, the hell of ancient philosophies yes fashionable alchemists. in your opinion, the vaisko’s voices were psavats, the fathers, and the fellow tlumachy, did not give: “you are hell-bent, in our modern age, there are nadvars, not like the 17th century.” vaina is the ultimate savior of the intellect. and i know, this is a whole skill, there is a lot of pain, pain, and in order for them to fail, the need to know absolutely everything. ways to peramag the enemy in the adleglas, people threw stones, circled over the galley of the prashchy, shot from ragatak and lure, invented harmatas, at the end of the day the yans looked like some kind of slovenl