and by the way, at the sberbank meeting there were representatives of the kbrf faction and they know and understand everything very well, you are still defining the scenario for our countries, although there were attempts to tear it to shreds did not work. let's respect the heroes who are quiet, modest , including sberbank, we are all so powerful we will drive. yes it will not turn out already drove before . how many years and everything fell apart at the beginning of the part. here they say about it, it is necessary to respect it both in the hall and in life, then everything falls into place, and what the squatter spoke about one people is not given to another. in connection with this, i would now like to say a little digression about our faction, and now a colleague of cocks has returned. he honestly worked there, as a doctor and a comrade is returning without fanfare, without noise, he has come now to solve managerial issues. knowing very well what is going on this region. colleagues, since you have a great trip, but systematic work and an approach to a solution are more expensive