class is also, i'm not saying this about mattis or keane, can be very political, very politically correct, very invested in international institutionssays america has to be everywhere, have bases everywhere, doing everything. ashley: world policemen. >> that's the incentive for the defense department. that view has been baked in for a long time. most guys see the world that way. what general is that? i don't really know. i think it's okay to have dissenting voices inside the oval office. that's what mattis was for two years. give the president credit for listening to and having this guy and ultimately, crushing isis. obama said there was a jay vee team, abandoned it and they spread like cancer. trump said i will crush them. he did. you got to follow through and make sure -- ashley: are you concerned, i know you're conflicted, are you concerned we will look back and say if we hadn't taken out the troops then, could we see the isis rising again in some form or fashion and then we look at this moment, because i don't know how many troops we are pulling out, 7,000? >> there's 2,000 in syria. there aren't that many. ashley: i was going t