but 9 year-old keaton nelson of west fargo... requested his "make a wish", be closer to home....and more meaningful to him and thousands of others. luckily, he got his "a simple, quick trip to the mall.... "your wish is coming true today." turned 9-year old keaton nelson "ready to be santa???" from a precocious west fargo 4th grader, into a holiday dream come true. "santa is in the building." with tight security, make a wish and macy's outfitted keaton with his very own santa suit. which he proudly wore for his entire class "hey guys !!" that showed up at the mall. their classmate was the hero of the world today. santa claus. "merry christmas you guys." keaton, who battles and lives with cystic fibrosis every day, then reveived a law enforcement escort to downtown fargo, where the young santa would board his sleigh, for the trip north on broadway. "i think it is gong to be pretty epic." keaton would hit downtown fargo in style. an audience. his own holiday parade. "downtown is lost of people. merry christmas. merry christmas." th