industrials, banks, keck kals. -- chemicals that's what i would continue to do it feels like we are long in the tooth. this just started. i think it will take much longer will it take 20 years? no i think you will see a gross outperformance by value and that's where people watching the show should be putting their money right now. selling their technology plays going to value plays, starting with banks >> pete? >> i am not so concerned about the technology names i have not sold one of the ones i am exposed to at this point in time i agree with the materials and banks. steve laid it out nicely the performance out of bank of america. all of these stocks including many of the regional names, i am very happy about it. i was one of the people getting pretty frustrated, not knowing when we would see performance. we heard how good so many different parts of the bank were they are going to start to see a little more improvement, especially if we get to chris's targets of i think he said 130 or 140 that does well for the banks and regionals. many of these names, not only do they give you the yiel