on the russian side, it will include the kedrovaya pad nature reserve and the national park the land in primorye with china's northeastern tiger and leopard national park with mongolia are actively working on the conservation of one of the rarest snow leopard cats, dear colleagues. international cooperation also plays a special role in solving problems of reducing anthropogenic impact on the atmosphere. according to expert estimates, 9 out of 10 people on the planet live in areas with high air pollution. air pollution has been linked to premature death according to who families of millions of people worldwide account for about 77% of all emissions. it falls on industrial enterprises and fuel energy complexes, and 23% on transport, so no, the company needs to move as soon as possible. the best available technologies, and in the field of transport for its environmentally friendly types of federal project to improve air quality, we provide economic incentives for the environmental modernization of industrial enterprises and at the same time tighten the responsibility for hazardous emiss