the ocean avenue and ct extends from keelan avenue to manor drive. 1963 ocean avenue is at the western end of this. the single-family neighborhood of davidson manor is to the north of the avenue and to the south of [inaudible] cars appeared both limits of a high percentage of families and children under 18. they are ethnically and economically diverse neighborhoods surrounding -- district 7 and district 11. ocean avenue has undergone extensive study and review by city agencies and consultants from 2008-14. the focused study on something would exist improving ocean avenue for the long-term. they point to development of a transit village with a vibrant commercial street that serves surrounding neighborhoods and encourages pedestrian traffic and has businesses that provide goods and services needed by the neighborhood residents. for the appeal process, the appellant elected supporting signatures from 90 percent of the residential property owners contacted within 300 feet. that's 33/36. this is consistent with the views of the over 100 unique and sincere letters submitted supporting the ap