joining is now is keeley donovan, a reporterfor inside to people who own the ford cars fitted with these engines. they are designed to work harder. the problems have occurred in two types of engine. the one litre and the 1.6. let's talk about the one litre first. we have spoken to a number of donors whose engines have overheated and suffered complete failure, resulting in them needing a full replacement engine. they have been told by ford that they were responsible for paying all of the cost or at least a proportion of the cost. these cars are usually only between four and six years old with about 30,000 two 70,000 miles on the clock. the 1.6, we have also spoken to owners of that engine, whose cars have actually burst into flames while they were driving. in addition to that, we have heard complaints about ford's customer service, with some describing it as dismissive and unhelpful, that the company would put anything in writing and at some points customers get told that ford would respond to any further communications. many of the peop