the announced qe 3 today, i would say that's like what is it, bought in keeneland, arabian prince, that's 2-1, or 3-1. there's a couple of favorites, one has been bet down. announced contingent qe, another possibility. we're going to do qe, based upon certain criteria. for example economic criteria. this is also horse running a different race here, the change forecast date for low rates to 2015. that one is something that's out there and could actually happen. i want you to listen to what bernanke said at the humphrey hawkins testimony that told you when and how he would act. take a listen. >> we are looking very carefully at the economy, trying to judge whether or not the loss of momentum we've seen here recently is enduring, we are looking for ways to address the weakness in the economy should more action be needed to promote a sustained recovery in the labor market. that's it, he tied it right there to labor. >> and one more chart. >> never mind. there's one thing here i think tells you a lot. this thing shows every quarterly gdp report since the recovery began. the ones that are yello