. -- our last keepeak. we are bigger than ever, but we are struggling. it is not sufficient just to get back where we were. our economy needs to grow constantly to keep everyone employed. that gives you an idea of where we need to be, and what it shows you is even though we have gotten back to where we were, we are a long way from our potential, and this is where the job market took a long time to recover. we do not have a jobs problem. we have a growth problem. you cannot force people to hire if they do not have reason to hire, and that is why doing things to get growth going, that is the best way to get a recovery in the job market. if you look back, we are seeing more signs of this. second, our recovery has been very slow. is it credible to believe the u.s. economy can speed up eventually and get back to full employment, which is around 4 or 5% unemployment rate. in my mind, there are five factors are would like to throw out for you that i think are really driving a lot of what is going on, and i think these are five factors you will be hearing a lot