3 year deal with the 49ers.ginn &pwas in baltimore lasttweek visiting the rrvens..san francisco keepssginnahington announced steehen strasburg as theirropening day starter...baltimore's no where near ready to name its guy.or evvn 5 man rotation. rotation.14 days of ccmpetition eft...opennng day preview... orioles with thee twins in florida..top of thh to center...joe benson can't & get there...2 runs score on the triple...orioles up 3--.... &pnext inning...wilson betemii rraches and gets enough to senddit ovvr the fencee..2 run -3 blast...his first ome run this spring...birds withha 4 - pun lead....top of hh 4thh.. xavier avery doobbes to the gap...flaherty sccres...avery 3--or-4 with 2 doobles... batting 3-33 ttis sprrig.... & weeiyin chee on the mound.. strikessouttchris parmelee to enddtte 4tt..one runnin 5 innnngs...he hhs a 3 e-r-a... orioles explode for their most rrnn thiss pring to eat the twinss11-1....- 3 there's nothing like seeing a possible title gameemmtchup right smack in the middle of this saturday in ccarlottesville. charlottesville.on paper... the teams extremely similar.