May 3, 2021
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generando temor que no solo se refleja en estos carteles sino en el alza del precio del dÓlar >>> keikoron un debate en el interio del paÍs para conquistar los votos quiÉn gane heredarÁ un paÍs que sigue a o zo tad por la pandemia c hospitales colapsados y miles de personas que no puede acceder a unidades de cuidados intensivos en lima perÚ liliana choy noticias telemundo >>> vamos a mÉxico donde la temporada de sequÍa agravada por la crisis climÁtica sigue causando estragos la falta de lluvia afecta a mÁs del84% del territorio y golpea los campos con efectos devastadores. nuestro comparo vÍctor silva trae el reporte. >>> con el sudor de frente benjamÍn surca la tierra para su siembra pero el terreno es Árido por la sequÍa de sinaloa >>> la vemos dura >>> la sequÍa golpea un campo mexicano que tiene falta de lluvia el 2020 y el pronÓstico parece peor dice josÉ. >>> mÁs que por este aÑo que todo el mundo dice que este aÑo no va a ver que ojalÁ que estÉ todaa gente equivocada porque de plano nos llevarÁl diablo >>> el 84% del territorio mexicano sufre de sequÍas en diferentes intensidades
generando temor que no solo se refleja en estos carteles sino en el alza del precio del dÓlar >>> keikoron un debate en el interio del paÍs para conquistar los votos quiÉn gane heredarÁ un paÍs que sigue a o zo tad por la pandemia c hospitales colapsados y miles de personas que no puede acceder a unidades de cuidados intensivos en lima perÚ liliana choy noticias telemundo >>> vamos a mÉxico donde la temporada de sequÍa agravada por la crisis climÁtica sigue causando...
May 24, 2021
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: faltan dos semanas para la segunda vuelta electoral en perÚ que se define entre pedro castillo y keikoÍa luisa nos tiene reporte. maria: ambos candidatos estÁn peleando por llegar a la presidencia del perÚ y han jurado en una ceremonia respetar las reglas de la democracia, pero ambos tienen perfiles autoritarios. >> yo creo que entre un liberalismo autoritario versus el caos autoritario que representa castillo. maria: desde la izquierda apoyado por el radical partido perÚ libre, pedro castillo, un profesor de izquierda y dirigente del sindicato de maestros ofrece acabar con el hambre en un paÍs rico. >> yo sÍ juro de todo corazÓn por la igualdad de derechos y oportunidades para el poso peruano. maria: el candidato a la vicepresidencia en su partido fue apartando por una sentencia de corrupciÓn, pero es el que no oculta sus lazos con los gobiernos de venezuela y cuba y otros estÁn vinculados con el extremismo del ... keiko tambiÉn hizo12 juramento de respeto a las normas constitucionales. >> muro de dejar el poder despuÉs del 28 de junio de 2026 y no buscar ni intentar ningÚn mecanismo
: faltan dos semanas para la segunda vuelta electoral en perÚ que se define entre pedro castillo y keikoÍa luisa nos tiene reporte. maria: ambos candidatos estÁn peleando por llegar a la presidencia del perÚ y han jurado en una ceremonia respetar las reglas de la democracia, pero ambos tienen perfiles autoritarios. >> yo creo que entre un liberalismo autoritario versus el caos autoritario que representa castillo. maria: desde la izquierda apoyado por el radical partido perÚ libre,...
May 23, 2021
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fÉlix: miles de personas se manifestaron hoy en perÚ contra la candidatura oficial de keiko fujimori.obernÓ con su padre. felix: todas las encuestas muestran a castillo en primer lugar, pero keiko ha comenzado a acercarse y los resultados son inciertos segÚn los expertos. es devuelta en la repÚblica del congo entrÓ en erupciÓn, arrojando lava e iluminando de rojo el cielo. la poblaciÓn en la zona uy de pÁnico porque cuando estuvo activo en 2002, jugÓ centenares de muertos y mÁs de 100,000 personas perdieron sus hogares. por el momento no se reportan vÍctimas mortales, pero hay gran confusiÓn. la primera sonda exploradora chinacomenzÓ a rodar sobre la superficie de marte. convierte a china en el segundo paÍs en lograr esta hazaÑa tÉcnica despuÉs de los estados unidos. la sonda china continuarÁ su investigaciÓn en marte por 90 dÍas. el boxeador mexicano saÚl " el canelo " Álvarez, pasÓ por el altar en la catedral de guadalajara. [gritos] reportera: saÚl Álvarez llegÓ esta tarde para contraer matrimonio religioso. arribÓ al mismo tiempo que la novia. tras esperar varios minutos, bajo del
fÉlix: miles de personas se manifestaron hoy en perÚ contra la candidatura oficial de keiko fujimori.obernÓ con su padre. felix: todas las encuestas muestran a castillo en primer lugar, pero keiko ha comenzado a acercarse y los resultados son inciertos segÚn los expertos. es devuelta en la repÚblica del congo entrÓ en erupciÓn, arrojando lava e iluminando de rojo el cielo. la poblaciÓn en la zona uy de pÁnico porque cuando estuvo activo en 2002, jugÓ centenares de muertos y mÁs de...
May 27, 2021
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los candidatos keiko y pedro se culpan mutuamente por esta tragedia.r enterrarlos y que los culpables paguen por estas muertes. una sangrienta matanza de 16 personas, incluidos los menores, ocurriÓ en 1 bar a orillas de un rÍo en una regiÓn selvÁtica situada a 250 km de lima. el Último lugar donde a —— aÚn operan los remanentes de sendero luminoso aliados del narcotrÁfico internacional. hombres vestidos de civil dispararon sin identificarse y dejaron panfletos justificando su demencia a la acciÓn y llamando al boicot de las elecciones. [cÁnticos] maria el tema del terrorismo estado en el centro de la campaÑa del oral. algunos de los opositores a keiko acusaron a miembros de estar vinculados a este crimen. algo que ya rechazÓ tajantemente. >> algunas personas que tratando de aprovecharse polÍticamente estÁn seÑalando a personas vinculadas con nuestra agrupaciÓn polÍtica. maria: y ella asegura que pedro castillo, el candidato de izquierda que tienen su equipo personas cercanas al terrorismo, y por eso llama defenderla democracia. pedro: que en un escenar
los candidatos keiko y pedro se culpan mutuamente por esta tragedia.r enterrarlos y que los culpables paguen por estas muertes. una sangrienta matanza de 16 personas, incluidos los menores, ocurriÓ en 1 bar a orillas de un rÍo en una regiÓn selvÁtica situada a 250 km de lima. el Último lugar donde a —— aÚn operan los remanentes de sendero luminoso aliados del narcotrÁfico internacional. hombres vestidos de civil dispararon sin identificarse y dejaron panfletos justificando su...
May 23, 2021
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felix: todas las encuestas muestran a castillo en primer lugar, pero keiko ha comenzado a acercarse y hay gran confusiÓn. la primera sonda exploradora chinacomenzÓ a rodar sobre la superficie de marte. convierte a china en el segundo paÍs en lograr esta hazaÑa tÉcnica despuÉs de los estados unidos. la sonda china continuarÁ su investigaciÓn en marte por 90 dÍas. el boxeador mexicano saÚl " el canelo " Álvarez, pasÓ por el altar en la catedral de guadalajara. [gritos] reportera: saÚl Álvarez llegÓ esta tarde para contraer matrimonio religioso. arribÓ al mismo tiempo que la novia. tras esperar varios minutos, bajo del auto, saludÓ para las cientos de personas que lo esperaban detrÁs de decenas de vallas metÁlicas, se acercÓ al carro de la novia y luego tomÓ del brazo a su madre para entrar juntos a la ceremonia. luego bajo la novia cubierta con una gran tela para evitar que se viera su vestido. >> no puedo, la verdad. discÚlpeme. quienes se detuvieron a hablar del feliz momento del campeÓn mundial fueron algunos de sus hermanos. >> Él siempre estÁ feliz porque se lleva una buena mujer,
felix: todas las encuestas muestran a castillo en primer lugar, pero keiko ha comenzado a acercarse y hay gran confusiÓn. la primera sonda exploradora chinacomenzÓ a rodar sobre la superficie de marte. convierte a china en el segundo paÍs en lograr esta hazaÑa tÉcnica despuÉs de los estados unidos. la sonda china continuarÁ su investigaciÓn en marte por 90 dÍas. el boxeador mexicano saÚl " el canelo " Álvarez, pasÓ por el altar en la catedral de guadalajara. [gritos]...
May 30, 2021
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keiko fujmori, candidta de "fuerza popular", cuenta con el voto de la derecha, y pedro castillo tienea prefrencia de la izquierda y de gran parte del interior del pais... pero para los manifestantes que estuvieron hoy en las calles de lima, la capital, parece estar en juego mucho mas que la preferencia por un candidato.... maria luisa martinez tiene la historia. a regresar...miles de manifestantes protestan en brasil contra el presidente bolsonaro pidiendo acelerar el proceso de vacunacion y medidas para los mas afectados por la crisis.celebracion a lo grande tras la final de la liga de campeones de europa... los guardacostas espaqoles rescataron a 58 migrantes en el oceano atlantico, cerca de la isla de gran canaria... entre los rescatados habia una mujer y un hombre que fueron trasladados al hospital, informo el servicio de emergencias canario... segun el ministerio del interior casi 5 mil migrantes han llegado a estas islas por mar hasta el 15 de mayo. miles de brasileqos se manifestaron protestando contra el gobierno de jair bolsonaro en actos convocados por las principales centra
keiko fujmori, candidta de "fuerza popular", cuenta con el voto de la derecha, y pedro castillo tienea prefrencia de la izquierda y de gran parte del interior del pais... pero para los manifestantes que estuvieron hoy en las calles de lima, la capital, parece estar en juego mucho mas que la preferencia por un candidato.... maria luisa martinez tiene la historia. a regresar...miles de manifestantes protestan en brasil contra el presidente bolsonaro pidiendo acelerar el proceso de...
May 22, 2021
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weeks out of peruse presidential election run off, protest taking place against conservative convict keiko. for you. maury, she is facing left wing rival pedro castillo, a teacher, and trade union leader from rural peru who was politically unknown before this. he has an action. let's now speak to marianna sanchez in lima elections or accomplish the way, tell us more about why people are protesting against keiko. switching more people are processing gathering. many people that aren't important, right? money, new people nationalize, have shown and have said that he does not you know, from violence and she received hopefully, terry and now also she has a lot of nice down. sure. because in the last 5 years, she was neither of the most powerful party congress was able to rescue them down or having several of the b. 2 c in the last year re fresh i was saying that feel, however in. 2 march, with some reading in the rep. however, many opinions poses said that it's a lack of credit. he's paying clarity of, you know, the policy that he's saying that she was married. all right, thank you very much. m
weeks out of peruse presidential election run off, protest taking place against conservative convict keiko. for you. maury, she is facing left wing rival pedro castillo, a teacher, and trade union leader from rural peru who was politically unknown before this. he has an action. let's now speak to marianna sanchez in lima elections or accomplish the way, tell us more about why people are protesting against keiko. switching more people are processing gathering. many people that aren't important,...
May 31, 2021
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venezuela en la segunda vuelta presidencial que se celebrara el proximo 6 de junio entre pedro castillo y keiko en colombia, miles de perlas marcharon para manifestarse contra la violencia y los bloqueos por las protestas que escriben hace mÁs de un mes. en bogotÁ, los manifestantes portaban banderas y les entregaban flores a los policÍas. y el volcÁn etna en sicilia, italia, volviÓ a entrar en erupciÓn en las primeras horas de este domingo. en un comunicado del instituto nacional de geofÍsica, las explosiones se originaron en el crÁter sudeste del volcÁn. en inglaterra, en una pequeÑa ceremonia privada contrajo matrimonio el primer ministro con la madre de su hijo de un aÑo, johnson de 56 aÑos y simmons, una ambientalista de 33 aÑos celebraron la ceremonia en la catedral de westminter. y cuando volvamos, en argentina el tango se convierte en manifestaciÓn. manifestaciÓn. este es el el nuevo google pixel 5 con chip de seguridad titan m pero para la persona que no juega con su seguridad es un teléfono sobreprotector de datos los teléfonos 5g de google pixel, desde $499. presentador: y nos desped
venezuela en la segunda vuelta presidencial que se celebrara el proximo 6 de junio entre pedro castillo y keiko en colombia, miles de perlas marcharon para manifestarse contra la violencia y los bloqueos por las protestas que escriben hace mÁs de un mes. en bogotÁ, los manifestantes portaban banderas y les entregaban flores a los policÍas. y el volcÁn etna en sicilia, italia, volviÓ a entrar en erupciÓn en las primeras horas de este domingo. en un comunicado del instituto nacional de...
May 2, 2021
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fÉlix: remesas y ataques personales reinaron hoy en el primer cara a cara entre castillo y keiko fujimoriana, y hemos garantizado que a partir del 28 de julio tener 20 millones de vacunas a partir de la primera quincena del mes de agosto. >> ¡primero un cambio de actitud! ¡nosotros estamos cansados de estos gobiernos que ofrecen de todo, y que luego no cumplen con su palabra! fÉlix: de las Últimas encuestas para la votaciÓn del 6 de junio dan a castillo primero en intenciÓn de voto con el 44 %, con al menos 10 puntos de ventaja sobre fujimori. en honduras, cientos de personas se manifestaron por el 1 de mayo en tegucigalpa y le exigieron al gobierno mÁs vacunas contra el covid—19. los protestantes se quejaron de que el presidente estÁ actuando con lentitud contra la pandemia, ya que apenas se han garantizado 59,000 dosis de la vacuna. en liverpool, unos 3000 jÓvenes participaron en una fiesta bailable sin llevar mascarillas en un club nocturno a modo de ensayo para regresar a la normalidad. para ello tuve un quedar negativo a prueba de covid—19. fue parte de un plan piloto para saber cÓmo
fÉlix: remesas y ataques personales reinaron hoy en el primer cara a cara entre castillo y keiko fujimoriana, y hemos garantizado que a partir del 28 de julio tener 20 millones de vacunas a partir de la primera quincena del mes de agosto. >> ¡primero un cambio de actitud! ¡nosotros estamos cansados de estos gobiernos que ofrecen de todo, y que luego no cumplen con su palabra! fÉlix: de las Últimas encuestas para la votaciÓn del 6 de junio dan a castillo primero en intenciÓn de voto...
eye 31
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something a phone rang of i grabbed keiko. on twitter back up appear because. the authorities. this area don't sit with the remains of sylvia prisoners of war 2 muslim the still uses a graveyard own. c.t.f. family. in aggregate if emilia. is had been. in the in. the film and. included. in big news station for me to. be able. show of. attempts to revise world war 2 history started during the cold war when the former allies became enemies. well i think world war 2 has been distorted incredibly bar the anglo american media and that's because they want to diminish the role of russia. and stalin who actually defeated hitler you know it wasn't the united states and britain that defeated him it was really stalin we were frankly on the ropes if it hadn't been for the russians. a fresh wave of world war 2 history from speculation started in the 1990 s. the soviet union collapsed the warsaw pact ceased to exist and opponents immediately took advantage of that. and. said this is space since we. should become an east might have been found to. be a bit i might. i'm finished up and leave. bu
something a phone rang of i grabbed keiko. on twitter back up appear because. the authorities. this area don't sit with the remains of sylvia prisoners of war 2 muslim the still uses a graveyard own. c.t.f. family. in aggregate if emilia. is had been. in the in. the film and. included. in big news station for me to. be able. show of. attempts to revise world war 2 history started during the cold war when the former allies became enemies. well i think world war 2 has been distorted incredibly...
May 31, 2021
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federal, casteel, se his social is policies well heard, the economy, critics of conservative contender keiko for morning associated her with corruption . from the time her father was president. but sanchez reports from lima, the anger and fear in the streets of lima, rivals fy heating and throwing stones. it's one week before a run, a selection, and either candidate giga for humanity or be the look of the you could windows presidency. opinion poll say it's too close to call on sunday, a final tv debate to win over 20 percent of undecided voters from rattle. mr. cathy deal with your hate and davis of language you've contributed to those aggressions against chandler unrest. billing rocks. this is tony tony caravan giggle. he is the daughter of a former president of the 40 marty, and trails. pedro castillo by nearly 3 percentage points. she's facing a popular rival and has been charged with organized crime, money laundering, obstruction of justice and perjury. that's for allegedly receiving $1200000.00 from a brazilian construction company during her 1st presidential bid in 2011. she could face
federal, casteel, se his social is policies well heard, the economy, critics of conservative contender keiko for morning associated her with corruption . from the time her father was president. but sanchez reports from lima, the anger and fear in the streets of lima, rivals fy heating and throwing stones. it's one week before a run, a selection, and either candidate giga for humanity or be the look of the you could windows presidency. opinion poll say it's too close to call on sunday, a final...
May 31, 2021
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experience of a being a union leader in that lives a very important protest. teachers processed in in 2019 keiko for he may have the need of this debate. whatever comes out of this debate, she's like me to perform much better than him, and it's got to define the election and the votes for the 20 percent of the undecided that still are there be one week ahead of, of the, of the run of election. south american club football competition, the copper america is without a host for the 2nd time. in 10 days. argentine has been removed as host 2 weeks before the golf tournament. as it struggles with rising current of virus cases and strict sounds that comes off the columbia was dropped out of the coast on may 20th . because of did the anti government protests? tens of thousands of cobra 19 cases continue to be recorded every day in latin america and the caribbean. medical expense worn health systems in the region are breaking point, but it's that it was why my reports from when it's areas people are increasingly pushing for restrictions to be ease. they can get back to some of their most loved past times
experience of a being a union leader in that lives a very important protest. teachers processed in in 2019 keiko for he may have the need of this debate. whatever comes out of this debate, she's like me to perform much better than him, and it's got to define the election and the votes for the 20 percent of the undecided that still are there be one week ahead of, of the, of the run of election. south american club football competition, the copper america is without a host for the 2nd time. in 10...
May 30, 2021
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the propaganda in favor of her all the mainstream media newspapers, televisions radios is supporting keiko for you, morty. it all the owners of these mainstream media are terrified that they don't see your will of nation allies. will privatize nationalize or is many of the in the companies of the private companies and people are terrified that she will take away their money. and so this is something that has been, has given a kick off the money a lot of support, despite this, she still behind it if they don't feel and this debate will be crucial for her. after the 1st debate, she was able to gain several percentage points. she was less more than tempest with some points behind him. and now this, she knows that this is a crucial debate that as she has the experience because she is a go and running for the precedence for the 3rd time. so now it is up to her to have an excellent performance in the debate to be able to get, get those undecided and tell us more about how peruvians have been reacting to these 2 polarizing candidates. well there's a lot of fear in the streets of peru, especially
the propaganda in favor of her all the mainstream media newspapers, televisions radios is supporting keiko for you, morty. it all the owners of these mainstream media are terrified that they don't see your will of nation allies. will privatize nationalize or is many of the in the companies of the private companies and people are terrified that she will take away their money. and so this is something that has been, has given a kick off the money a lot of support, despite this, she still behind...
May 31, 2021
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federal castillo say he is socialist policies, will be economy. critics of conservative contender, keiko for g. morry, associate her with corruption. from the time her father was president, marianna sanchez report from lima, the anger and fear in the streets of lima. rivals fighting and throwing stones, it's one week before a run, a selection and either candidate go for movie or be that ok the you could win produce presidency. opinion poll say it's too close to call on sunday, a final tv debate to win over 20 percent of undecided voters from rattle. mr. cathy deal with your hate and of his of language. you've contributed to those aggressions against journalists. i'm just pulling rocks. this is stone. thrown caravan giggle, he is the daughter of former precedent, the letter for commodity and trails. pivotal castillo, by nearly 3 percentage points. she's facing a popular rival and has been charged with organized crime, money laundering, obstruction of justice and perjury. that's for allegedly receiving $1200000.00 from a brazilian construction company during her 1st presidential bid in 201
federal castillo say he is socialist policies, will be economy. critics of conservative contender, keiko for g. morry, associate her with corruption. from the time her father was president, marianna sanchez report from lima, the anger and fear in the streets of lima. rivals fighting and throwing stones, it's one week before a run, a selection and either candidate go for movie or be that ok the you could win produce presidency. opinion poll say it's too close to call on sunday, a final tv debate...
May 31, 2021
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. opponents of padre say his socialist policies will be economy. critics of conservative contender keiko for he maury, associated her with corruption. from the time her father was president. when now dr . mealworms could be the next color re delightful europeans. the food safety agency has approve human consumption of the insect, and more could follow. so fast reports from the netherlands where some chefs already experimenting with google, a creepy calling. this may not look very tasty to some people, but there are those who say it's the food of the future. take 25 year old pam commencing, for example, you turned in all big farm into a vertical farm for mealworms. they are used for pet food, but as soon as their new housing is finished, it may soon find a way to kitchens all over europe. restriction of various of the meal on a really good. they are low in fat, and they have a lot of protein. and producing the meal ones as a very small footprint, both in carbon emissions energy. it doesn't take a lot of energy to produce them. small, not to the flavor, but if you put in solving it, you ge
. opponents of padre say his socialist policies will be economy. critics of conservative contender keiko for he maury, associated her with corruption. from the time her father was president. when now dr . mealworms could be the next color re delightful europeans. the food safety agency has approve human consumption of the insect, and more could follow. so fast reports from the netherlands where some chefs already experimenting with google, a creepy calling. this may not look very tasty to some...
May 30, 2021
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through the presidential races, tightening a week for the run off elections between petro castillo and keiko for jim maury, on sunday, the to go had to head into presidential t v debates broadcast live across the country, or thousands of peruvians have been marching through leim or over the weekend, protesting against both candidates. those opposing castillo has policies will impact the economy. as he pledges to rewrite the constitution, kasteel had a comfortable lead and previous pulse. would you, maury is narrowed that lead, and then now the statistical tie, and some of people have opposed for mores conservative policies. well now tens of thousands of people have been protesting across ethiopia in supporting the government and denouncing west and interference in the capital, addis ababa thousands, including several political figures. members of the parliament activists took part in the rallies angry after the u. s. announce sanctions against ethiopia and retry last week. the conflict until gray. if you open government is fighting a rebel group in the northern part of the country, the final
through the presidential races, tightening a week for the run off elections between petro castillo and keiko for jim maury, on sunday, the to go had to head into presidential t v debates broadcast live across the country, or thousands of peruvians have been marching through leim or over the weekend, protesting against both candidates. those opposing castillo has policies will impact the economy. as he pledges to rewrite the constitution, kasteel had a comfortable lead and previous pulse. would...
May 25, 2021
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that these attack happens if it to threaten those who would be willing to vote for right to candidate keiko for he. marty, who is facing the left wing candidates for august the year in the run of election on june. the 6th, how much of an isolated incident is this? because some commentators talking about the historical insurgency in that particular area and linking it to this group called shining pass. well, it's not the shining path with known. since the eighty's and ninety's, the rebel group, the fault, the government for 2 decades left more than 60000 people did in peru. this is a very different shining path or remnants very little number of them that operate in this very remote jungle area that do some political attacks come political killing specially attacking troops and police. but this time we have not seen for a long time civilian killings. and so these group, and by the way, these are shining pop members who are operating with drug dealers in this very remote area for the day. thanks very much. marianna sanchez for us in the peruvian capital, lima. we know the world is at war again
that these attack happens if it to threaten those who would be willing to vote for right to candidate keiko for he. marty, who is facing the left wing candidates for august the year in the run of election on june. the 6th, how much of an isolated incident is this? because some commentators talking about the historical insurgency in that particular area and linking it to this group called shining pass. well, it's not the shining path with known. since the eighty's and ninety's, the rebel group,...
May 31, 2021
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federal castillo say his socialist policies will the economy, critics, of conservative contender, keiko for you. maury associate, how is corruption from the time her father was president, and sanchez has the latest from the peruvian capital lima. well, i think this is the most watched debate probably in peruse history, because this is a country that is deeply polarized between the extreme left and the extreme right. and because these 2 candidates got very, very small margin of approval in the 1st round, 80 percent of the movie and did not vote for any of them in the 1st rounds. so they dislike the candidates for the most part, kick somebody has had and has the support of the mainstream media throughout the country. radios, televisions, newspapers, supporting kick off from the muddy. there's videos of people, even raney's and run, run down with more than 90 years old. filming them still saying that it is crucial for everyone to go and vote for money because they are afraid that you will impose communism in the country. that's what the propaganda against you have said. if you himself, a r
federal castillo say his socialist policies will the economy, critics, of conservative contender, keiko for you. maury associate, how is corruption from the time her father was president, and sanchez has the latest from the peruvian capital lima. well, i think this is the most watched debate probably in peruse history, because this is a country that is deeply polarized between the extreme left and the extreme right. and because these 2 candidates got very, very small margin of approval in the...
May 25, 2021
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happened less than 2 weeks before peruvians elect a new president in iran, off between right. tween keiko. would you maury and left wing pedro castillo, marianna sanchez reports from lima, peru, remnants of the left wing insurgency shining path. i've been blamed for perpetrating the worst attack in decades in this remote jungle area of central they do. among the dead, 2 small children come up $1630.00. as a consequence of this terrorist attack, they were killed among the badly burned bodies. with those of 2 small children. the rebels have ambushed military and police before that's what's left of the malware. insurgency that threatened to take power 40 years ago, and which left nearly 60000 peruvians dead. and the rector, these are funded by drug trafficking. the region produces more than 70 percent of the coca leaf from which cocaine was made. police say a pamphlet left behind in the attack called for a boy could of peruse run of election in june. many are not surprised by the assault similar attacks have been perpetrated before the end of past elections. analysts say they are meant to sc
happened less than 2 weeks before peruvians elect a new president in iran, off between right. tween keiko. would you maury and left wing pedro castillo, marianna sanchez reports from lima, peru, remnants of the left wing insurgency shining path. i've been blamed for perpetrating the worst attack in decades in this remote jungle area of central they do. among the dead, 2 small children come up $1630.00. as a consequence of this terrorist attack, they were killed among the badly burned bodies....
May 31, 2021
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la ultima encuesta antes de las presidenciales de peru situa a castillo ligeramente por delante de keikocia y los bloqueos por las protestas que se viven hace mas de un mes... en bogota los manifestantes portaban banderas y le entregaban flores a la policia. otros mas, respaldaban el paro nacional desde los balcones de los edificios. el volcan etna, en sicilia, italia, volvio a entrar en erupcion en las primeras horas de este domingo, arrojando lava y liberando gruesas columnas de ceniza... segun un comunicado del instituto nacional de geofisica, las el crater sureste del etna... a columna de cenizas y rocas alcanzo una altura de 4 millas sobre el nivel del mar, pero "no" hubo impacto en las operaciones del cercano aeropuerto de catania. en inglaterra en una pequeqa ceremonia privada contrajo matrimonio el primer ministro, boris johnson, con la madre de su hijo de un aqo... johnson, de 56 aqos, y carrie symonds, una activista ambientalista de 33 aqos, celebraron la ceremonia en la catedral catolica de westminster con un pequeqo grupo de familiares y amigos, ya que por las restricciones d
la ultima encuesta antes de las presidenciales de peru situa a castillo ligeramente por delante de keikocia y los bloqueos por las protestas que se viven hace mas de un mes... en bogota los manifestantes portaban banderas y le entregaban flores a la policia. otros mas, respaldaban el paro nacional desde los balcones de los edificios. el volcan etna, en sicilia, italia, volvio a entrar en erupcion en las primeras horas de este domingo, arrojando lava y liberando gruesas columnas de ceniza......