with her address programmed in, keila's delivery is on its way.s something blocking its way, in this case, me, it should work out what to do. excuse me, would you please let me pass? the robot has a detection bubble around and whether it's a pedestrian, a dog, any form of obstacle, it will either safely stop, manoeuvre around stop, manoeuvre around the obstacle, but if it's a very narrow pavement, it can even back up and get out of the way. so how do you ensure they don't get in the way of cars or traffic? if it's waiting at the edge of a road crossing, it's understanding its environment around it up to 200, 250 metres so it only crosses the road when it's safe do so. the robots can only be opened by the customer who placed the order. an alarm will go off if they're tampered with. the scheme is being expanded to more than 10,000 homes and some university campuses. i think it's really good. they've been running so long now you get used to them, you come out the door and you see that thing go by. i'm not sure. i prefer somebody coming around with my