dom, let's start with you. >> let's put some of those numbers to the levels that keith bliss was just talking about with regard to the s&p 500 you already saw how many hundreds of points we moved there. on monday some of those growth fears drove the s&p down by 35 points so that was the start to the week on tuesday we rallied back because tariffs are being delayed until christmas time we saw them move up about 43 points at that level and then on wednesday, the dbig selloff sent the dow down about 86 points at that point and only to see on friday up about 39 points. that's where we are right now so we'll see how we end the day that's the volatility, not just in the dow but in the all bigger and pertinents such as the s&p 500. >> let's get over to rick santelli >> short ends down a few on the day. the long ends up a few look at the year to date, 10s minus 2s it's positive now. 5, 6 we closed basically at zero. never went negative. 30 year bonds are down 26 on the week but they are up a few on the day. this is a mid july chart it has been a swoon and finally dollar index normally goes do