and that is not good enough for debbie and keith burke. >> i would like to know the name of the factoryhese drugs were manufactured. >> you don't know the name of the factory. >> no, i have not been told the name of the factory. do they know it? >> i'm sure they do. and i would like to -- i said what can i do write letters, whatever. i have been told that -- it would be sort of pointless because it's legal in china. but the people over there need to know that these drugs are killing people. >> in north dakota, the case that is now called operation stolen youth that began with the death of their son, christian burke is helding back to federal court in fargo. the next chapter is about to unfold where a nervous charles carlton, the federal prosecution's main target in this case is about to be sentenced. >> i know that it's going to be a long time. i know that i'm going to be severely punished, you know, for what i am responsible for. [ shutter clicks ] hi there! [ laughs ] -i'm flo! -i know! i'm going to get you your rental car. this is so ridiculous. we're going to manage your entire repa