with that, i'll turn it over to keith demartini who will go over the details. >> my name is keith demartini, i'm the finance manager for the planning department, i'm here to present the fiscal year 2013-2015 departmental budget, i have copies of the powerpoint presentation and there are copies for member of the public that would like to follow along with my presentation as well. i will just be giving you an overview of recent planning case and building volume trends that we've been experiencing, the expenditure budget as well as the proposed grants capital and other budget requests, and then just an update on the budget calendar going forward. so, let's just start with a recent planning case and building permit volume trends as director ram has already mentioned, i'm on slide three here, we had anticipated a 3% volume growth in this fiscal year which we are experiencing, approximately 80% of our case and building permit activity comes from the review, we'll see growth in permit building review and various multiple application ins this current year. we are at this time projecting that volume