keith matz: i love you. ants to do with her. keith morrison: kind of pornographic. keith matz: pornographic even to the point that we're sending pornographic photos with each other from the church. keith morrison: some things are hard to unsee. we'll spare you. oh, and most important, everything stopped the day she disappeared. angela mason: no credit cards, no phones. i thought that was strong evidence that she was, in fact, dead and not, in fact, missing. keith morrison: and her last conversation with a family member was-- nesli suhi-moore: she wanted out of the circumstances she was in, but she wasn't going to leave her baby behind. keith morrison: and then there was this, one of those sermons posted on youtube just a month before marie vanished and now in the evidence file. now whenever someone is backstabbing me, lying about me, gossiping about me, trying to tear me down, or whatever, you know what i want to do? my feelings say choke the life out of them. [chuckling] keith morrison: is that what the past