keith peter van huess can't reach you on any of your contacts.r certain questions about the factory for me, there are no trolls, but this is important for you. if you don’t help yourself now, then you will have problems, i am friends with the ukate and us intelligence services. we will find out everything about you and then your life will become hell. well, it is clear that after some correspondence with some people. even if the fictional whitening of kat gets on the pages of other larger and more respected publications , readers in the west will already believe that russia is to blame for everything here and no evidence is needed for them, this is a common routine. for us. this once again shows, uh, the face of our enemy, who builds all his propaganda, all his agitation solely on lies, because he cannot tell the truth, because the truth will destroy his own picture of the world, all the facts that the investigators have established. now there will be more. to check the special services, it is obvious that the results of the investigation will cl