bring back in bob pisani, jeff killburg and keith ross. you have a question for larry? or make your comment on hft and the impact on the every day investor. >> keith, i think what you're doing is adding value. let's think about this. i hate to say but there's a thousand milliseconds in a second. when the human blink is 300 to 400 milliseconds we are talking about putting a 20 second space and some people are condoning the fact it's okay that mom and pop are getting ripped off by a penny. when in the sam hill do we start condoning stealing despite the severity? >> i don't want to step on keith, but if you go back a couple, if you go back, it took 11 seconds to execute an order just behind me. 11 seconds. in 11 seconds, somebody can sit, walk around, take a spin, see what's going on with the market and then decide if it's in their interest, they buy. if not, nothing done. at least we are dealing with milliseconds here, not eternities. >> i love the fact that you are standing up for mom and dad. you are standing up for the so-called little guy here. i know you talked about