german, -- ladies and determine, we have public comment, but the next part of our presentation is keith sanford's presentation regarding the district. if you want to talk about the district it is probably better placed after line item 2. anything regarding our first part of our presentation? ok, hearing none. let's please move into why we're here tonight, line item 2. >> the commanding officer to address the commission on police activities in the richmond district. >> you have a presentation, captain? >> yes, sir. >> good evening, president, vice president, commissioners. and the chief and commander, director hicks. ladies and gentlemen. with your permission, i would like to present an award to mr. ernest lopp. can you please come up, and the chief? >> ladies and gentlemen, this is mr. ernest love, jr., from san francisco. i would like to abolish his excellent work and the richmond district. he was very instrumental in the arrest and identification of a burglary suspect, an individual who breaks into a house while the homeowner is there. the incident occurred on june 15, approximately 1:54 p.m. i