and joining us now is the man who started it all, keith sherman. first, keith, tell me about the name gold star dirt. what does that mean exactly? >> so gold star dirt is, you know, i have -- it's in honor of gold star families. families that have lost a loved one in the service of their country. and also dirt because i have a dirt bike that i kind of throw on the back of my car and drive around the nation and shred some dirt in the hometown of the fallen kind of in their honor. >> and you get the story on them too. >> absolutely. >> what made you want to create this organization? what motivated you? >> so originally i -- friends and acquaintances that i'd known that made the ultimate sacrifice, you know, serving for the nation. and originally i wanted to drive around the country and go to the hometowns of people i know had paid the ultimate sacrifice and kind of share anecdotes with their family. then it grew into an organization where we just have gold star families that we find on social media and we go around and we document their story. >> and