keith wallace charles mentions, and those reporting ukraine says it's ready to sign. trump's mineral jail? well to discuss what that may mean, i'm joined by grace lynn background. she's the director of critical mineral security program at the center for strategic and international studies. she joined the staff from washington dc. thank you for your time. i wonder if you could give us more details on this manuals deal that is on the table at the moment between ukraine in the us. what's in it for the united states and why have ukraine been? why is ukraine been so reluctant to sign it as to mineral steel has come a long way. so when we 1st started the deal, president trump wanted to be paid back for $500000000000.00 of an aide. he said that the united states provided to ukraine and an exchange present the lensky, one of the security here, and see, however, we know that that $500000000000.00 wasn't actually what we spent. that number seems to be closer to a 138 or a 128000000000 over time aware of the deal of his land. it is a much softer landing. so there's a funding that's being set in