there ceo kelcy warren is a major supporter of president trump. the dakota access pipeline has been operating since 2017, carrying fracked petroleum from the bakken oil fields in north dakota through south dakota, iowa and illinois, for transfer to another pipeline to carry it onto the gulf coast. the standing rock sioux call the pipeline the black snake. monday's historic court order comes more than four years after the resistance at standing rock began in 2016, bringing tens of thousands of people to north dakota to oppose the pipeline's construction on sacred lands. democracy now! was there on the ground covering the struggle. on september 3, 2016, the dakota access pipeline company unleashed dogs and pepper spray on native americans seeking to protect their sacred tribal burial site from destruction. this guy maced me in the face. look, it is all over my sunglasses. that woman over there, she was charging. >> the dog has blood in its nose and mouth. she is still standing here threatening. amy: why are you letting the dog go after the protester