kelli emerick is the executive director of ddsa. what is ddsa all about? >> the distracted driving safety alliance is a group of industry leaders that have come together along with some of the third party groups that are out there to look at destructive driving as an issue on to itself. we've seen such an increase in people doing other things while they are supposed to be driving. so how do we talk about that in a way that is meaningful and educational but also a way that looks at innovation as a possible solution. >> what are some of those innovations, technological innovations that can in your view cut down on destructive driving? >> is a couple different things out there today. first and foremost i do want to stress education is the important message here because we want folks to understand these y destructive driving is really harmful and things you can do to prevent destructive driving by using common sense. so talking about technology this is a technology called let's get to it. we have a couple of our member companies here with us today. taser offer