without hypocrisy awards themselves are crimes under the united nations charter and under the kellogg briana act the initiators of the wars are committing the supremes international crime in the words of the us prosecutor at nuremberg then the wars consist of numerous tribes and it's been hit or miss there have been occasional prosecutions and people held accountable through a through a bizarrely broken justice system that face prison terms on the answer to everything but by and large there has been immunity you know in famous cases like the me line massacre you know that people were not held accountable people were let off easy because there was support for the war and you know there's there's a certain honesty there if you're going to support mass murder or some part mass murdering gena if you're going to support torture support killing too but for for those who who who still suffer under this notion that you can have an honorable war and you can have a war without atrocities this is outrageous but it's nothing new that is a really good point of view made is that idea of it like somehow we