that's myself and kelly kapoor. you need one of us there. - or both. - not both. just one. me. or if not me, kelly. ideally, me. again, youth knowledge. that's what you get when you put ryan howard on your special project team. or kelly kapoor. again, not both. thanks. - very impressive. he put a lot of work into that. - mm-hmm. powerpoints are the peacocks of the business world. all show, no meat. - because i feel like that i'm at a place with my gambling rehab that i can finally start going to dog racing again. you know, just sitting, watching, enjoying the sport. maybe putting down a few dollars, if there's, like, a crazy mismatch or something. - okay, thank you, kevin. we'll let you know. - thank you. - when do we leave? - thank you. - "florida stanley" smiles. "florida stanley" is happy to go to work. "florida stanley" is who you want on your florida team. - it's still, well-- [knock at door] - hey, guys, any spots left? - erin, you want to go to tallahassee? - i do. i really do. i think it would be a nice way to clear my head. - you know, i don't think it's a good idea for