first i'd like to turn to miss kelly kirkpatrick who will walk us through the sources of these new homeless services and prechbs. and miss kirk dlt patrick, if you could just present on the rebalancing plan, and then this will give us the opportunity to ask questions. >> well, first, committee, thank you so much as we've worked through this. we're very pleased to despite the failure of proposition b, be able to fund many of the homeless services that have been identified by the department, this committee, and the mayor, and the mayor elect. most notably, the three priority of spending -- the three prioritized spending areas include first continuing to support the critical programs that were funded in fiscal year 18-19 but did not have funding identified in isk if will year 19-20 after the failure of proposition d. that is included in many of the items that we've talked about through the committee, problem solving and home ward bound, new units of permanent supportive housing, enhanced services in permanent supportive housing units and facilities, and operations for four navigation centers, including one for women and children, and that i