he does point out why kelly moore does pai fair better than most. history, starting in 1946 by bill kelly and william efforts moore it was sym paul making quality payments that professionals would be proud to use. and second understand that those professionals are not only your customers but your partners. what a concept. quality and loyalty. chasing the market down. >> what we stay focused on was number one, what we're known for which is quality. we know who our customers are and we never took our eyes off that we became a real strong partner with them over the couple years that the downturn hurt us. >> kelly moore set up classes, tutorials for small business owners and customers to teach them how to survive tough times and look for bigger markets. in western regional player in the u.s., kelly moore now ships paint to china, japan, cambodia, vietnam. the driver. >> quality products for one, and the second factor is that it's made in the u.s. that's what they see, that's what they want, that quality. >> what kelly moore seeks is the next great break