another person that kelly interviewed was general horatio wright over at the arlington national cemeteryon general rights grave, the bronze portrait by general wright. now general wright was the command of the six core in july of 1864 when the confederates about 14,000 of them swept across maryland and attacked washington from the north. the six army corps and local dismounted calvary enemy troops that d.c. could muster was sent to fort stevens and stir mesh was five. as you go to fort stevens today, there's a marker by an on the spot where lincoln said during that battle they are on parapet there. and there was a bronze ball released on that monument, the design is kelly, by kelly as described by general wright who was conversing with lincoln at the moment. but unfortunately, he never got to complete a stream of creating a lincoln in bronze. all right, well thank you rematch. have a good evening. [applause] [inaudible conversations] >> our final speaker this evening is there a steam who is going to relate to us a most wonderful story about her family and president-elect lincoln here at