but you could just see kelsey change... it was like the light in her eyes just left. and i've never heard a child... cry...like that before. >> it was... i think it was the worst day of my life. and i'm hoping that-- that they will use... the way jan, uh... ( choking up )... jan lived... ...as a model to bring up their children. narrator: on a plot of land in arlington, virginia, overlooking our nation's capital, the grass is growing again. trees have been planted that bloom in newness of life each spring. the wall has been rebuilt. as if in silent honor, for the briefest of moments each evening, the setting sun itself pays tribute with a golden light pouring forth on what is now hallowed ground for all of america. rosemary dillard: we wanted some way to ensure that all of the victims murdered that day... they were never forgotten. >> in the night sky, the radiance of 184 illuminations of remembrance shimmer in the darkness in honor of 184 men, women and children whose lives were extinguished in an instant on a hauntingly beautiful fall morning. >> the last six, seven