kelsey barlow is 6'5". del wel, they made a change now. bade is back in the lineup. taking barlow out. they needed some size in there against tennessee. >> dan: second one is good. five-point lead, 3:03 to play. smith matched up with hummel. takes it inside. looks like he was going to leave it for a dunk. would have had to shoot it. >> dan: another 2:30 to play. hummel lost it. a time-out given. the head coach called it. pounding on it and all of a sudden hummel is able to get the time-out. >> larry: i think the question they're asking is did hummel have possession of the ball? you can't call time-out unless you got possession. >> dan: screaming to hummel to get the time-out. and they gave it to him. >> larry: the first thing you've got to do is get the ball. >> dan: exactly. bruce pearl is irate over there on the sideline. >> larry: let's go back and a take a look at this play. hummel loses it. does he have possession so that matt painter can call a time-out? yeah, he does. i think the call is right. as soon as he gathered that ball in, did you see painter jumped pup