. >> kelsey erwin uses her time to make daily rounds with nearly all the other women in segregation. you're coming out next, bud. >> kelsey think she runs this house. she thinks she runs ad-seg. >> i love you. you're so pretty. >> she's the hottest. >> lift your shirt up. she has a really nice ass, she's just hiding it. >> she thinks she's queen bee in the universe of santa rita jail. the deputies are the queen bees. we run the houses. >> some people say you don't find friends in jail. i think victims don't find friends in jail. there's a lot of us that actually click together. >> i'm just loud, i guess. i have a lot to say. i think most of the deputies here, they all know me by name because i'm pretty loud. >> go to your window! >> she's very lively, she's very personable. she loves to talk. she loves to have the spotlight on her, so to speak. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> she came in, it's just like the average everyday person. over the years of her coming back again and again and again, she's developed almost a hierarchy. almost a shot-caller in the house. >> that's the [ ble