. >> kelsey ross. >> student at american university.ou touch on this a little when talking about asean. i'm wondering about the big ten you had on ways to improve the asian financial system. how do you expect the countries to work together on these or do you expect these reforms to be individual countries and if so, how would these work in a broader financial system. >> i was wondering if you could comment on kind of the 20 to 30-year kind of perspective for hong kong and singapore? >> maybe one more? yeah. >> peter from the german instituteses of global studies. you mentioned increasing debt. i recently read in an economist article, asia was obviously in percent of gdp the clear master all countries, malaise yarks china, you name them, were substantially above 150, 200% in total private-sector debt. obviously we just said, external debt seems to have decreased, isn't the book the statistics on that showing that indeed the internal debt has increased, because the over private sector debt did not look very good to me. >> i think we can n