but actually the kelvin jackson collection is really important for this reason. we had a peculiar race relation situation here in baltimore. the protest you could photograph, but the actual situation that was being protested was different than further south. for example, we didn't have signs that said white and black. it must have been strange to a black person who came to baltimore from some other place how they figured out what they could or could not do. because we knew because we were baltimoreans and it was a strange mixture of things not really photographicable. i mean, ford theater, blacks couldn't sit downstairs, but at lyric, there was no discrimination in the seating, but blacks couldn't perform at the lyric. the parks, there weren't sign, but everybody knew the this was the white tennis court, this was the black tennis court. and these were enforced. people were arrested for attempting to play tennis together in the park. so there are aspects of the situation that can only be captured by interviews because it was not photographable. there was no law, f