"i sincerely regret any offence i may inadvertently "have caused kemal by implying he is fat, brackets is.)" not very conciliatory. well, he is fat. you see, there's no getting away from it, but no one's admitting it. it's the elephant in the room. he-- he is the elephant in the room. you're going to have to back down eventually, love. i've got nothing to back down for. you're going to have to tone it down. i'm not going to tone that down. i'm going to send it as it is. ( doorbell rings ) ah, jane! don't get involved. don't get involved. hello, there. we'd like to ask you, do you think that man alone can solve all the problems in this world? yes. did it! false alarm. one pound! no, you didn't. yes, i did. no, you cheated. no, i didn't! yeah, you did, 'cause i was listening. you have to go up and do it again. ( ben and sue arguing ) ...including the recent poor weather, the congestion charge, and fears about terrorism. ( flipping channels ) jane is now entering... oh, what's this? oh, it's a documentary about childbirth. you don't want to watch that. yes, i do. ( screaming, groaning ) n