and i think here, kemba, about how important your voice is to us, kemba, and the idea that what you'vetic violence or questions of incarceration, and the idea that you would not have a voice at the ballot box just seems appalling. when i look at you to imagine that you are not a full citizen in the state of virginia. >> it's very frustrating. and i remember in the 2008 elections i took my son to various polls just so he could see the differences in what side of town you lived in. but actually after i took him to school and i sat at home, you know, having to explain to him that i couldn't vote and i felt so different from everyone else, where i still felt upset and felt as if i still did something wrong, when i had already served my debt to society with being incarcerated and actually to have president clinton release me from federal prison and still not have this basic human right where the only individuals that fall in that category are disabled people or minors. so it is quite alarming for me to realize that i still face this beast again coming up in this election in 2012. so i'm hop